Weekly Meditation Class

The Heart of Freedom  class provides instruction and support for the cultivation of mindfulness every Thursday evening on Zoom, Facebook (in-person coming soon).  Mindfulness could also be described as non-judgmental present moment awareness. We welcome both beginning and more advanced meditators.  The evening includes guided and silent sitting in the practice that leads to insight. The focus of Doug's teaching is on the cultivation of compassion, loving-kindness and wisdom through the practice of being fully present for the ever changing joys and sorrows of life. In addition to traditional mindfulness meditation, this evening includes a talk on topics related to mindfulness meditation.  There is also an opportunity for informal discussion and for questions related to practice. 

Schedule: 7:30:- 9:00 PM  on most Thursdays.  The third Thursday of the month this class is offered in-person and on Zoom.  The rest of the time is is Zoom only. 

To attend class on Zoom or in person register email Douglas at [email protected]

Cost: Donation basis (suggested $5 to 15). No one is turned away due to financial limitation

To make a donation click Here

Information: Call 503-293-4177 or email Douglas

Podcast of past classes available by clicking Here

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